How Do I Make Happiness Last?

“The good times in my life are tinged with the fear that it wont last…”

Sound familiar? If you’ve dealt with depression, you’ve probably experienced that tiny tickle of dread in the midst of a wonderful moment. The small ache of looking cautiously around the corner, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

How can you feel safe in knowing that your happiness will last?

Here’s my take (it might surprise you): Stop being attached to happiness.

Happiness is a feeling, a state of being. To desire only to be happy implies that other feelings are wrong or bad. It’s like wanting the world to only be your favorite color.

It is to be afraid of pain.

But pain can be a sign of growth. Muscles are sore when they are strengthened. A shattered belief can be heartbreaking, but it opens the door to truth.

It’s human to avoid pain – it was adaptive for our species. In the wild, the more comfort you can create for yourself, the more likely you are to survive.

But in a society where survival is mostly assured, avoiding pain creates a culture that is addicted, empty – and depressed.

It’s why I believe in becoming, not simply happy, but deeply happy.

Deeply happy is an inner strength, a deep knowing that even though life has ups and downs, there is a part of you that stays anchored and at peace. It’s an inner light that isn’t blown out by the winds of change. It includes all feelings, and welcomes all of you.

Here’s how to cultivate becoming deeply happy:

  1. Meditate. Get to know that part of you that has no definition, no boundaries, no labels. It is the ultimate resource in the most tumultuous times.
  2. Get to know your life purpose. You have a unique set of strengths and inclinations. Your ability to apply who you are, to a path that you are proud to call your own, is your deep well of satisfaction and meaning. It’s the “WHY” that helps you keep going, when things get really difficult.
  3. Get into right relationship. This means giving generously of yourself to others, without abandoning your self care. Living only for yourself is road to misery…and living only for others breeds resentment.  Finding the balance is a little piece of heaven.
  4. Care for your physical body. Your muscles, glands, and organs can manufacture chemicals and hormones that trigger well-being…or they can produce molecules that irritate, inflame and confuse. Your diet, activity levels and your rest determine which ones.

Ready to become deeply happy? Click here to schedule your Life Path Breakthrough session with me.

It’s free, and we’ll create your personal roadmap to a life of health and deep happiness.

You can do this, and you don’t have to do it alone. Let’s talk.

Shine Your Light,

Dr. Teray

Teray Garchitorena Kunishi, ND

Dr. Teray offers natural and integrative programs for healing anxiety & depression, chronic fatigue, and digestive conditions. She is a licensed naturopathic doctor, wellness coach, author, and creator of the Deeply Happy Expert Series. She serves clients globally via phone and video consultation.
Get in touch at

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