Where to start if you want to get off antidepressants

Where to start if you want to get off antidepressants

Where do you begin?

One of the most frequent questions I get asked is, how to get started on the road to finally getting off antidepressants?

Think about it: You’ve been taking antidepressants, and while they seem to be doing something for you, it’s simply not enough. Or the side effects are terrible, and you just don’t feel that great on them.

But it’s not as simple as just stopping the meds. In fact, it can be dangerous to do so.

Maybe you’ve already tried, and ended up right where you started – depressed, tired, anxious all over again.

Here’s what I suggest: First, you should know that it’s highly unlikely that you have a serotonin deficiency. No study has ever succeeded in finding a link between low serotonin and depression.

What is more likely is that you are out of balance in one or more of the following:

1. Physical wellness – not just in your brain, but your entire body as a whole.
2. Purpose and meaning – life just seems empty without it.
3. Healthy relationships – these can make or break your happiness.

To find out which of these really need the most work, I have all of my clients take the Happiness Archetype Assessment.

It’s a simple yet powerful self-quiz that lets you know your greatest strengths, as well as what needs the most work now.


The Happiness Archetype Assessment is incredibly clarifying. It helps you decode all the information out there about happiness, and focus on the elements that are most important for you.

You can access that test via the box on the upper right hand of this blog page. It will take you five to ten minutes, and I promise you it will be worth it.

Take the test, discover your happiness archetype, and get started on feeling better now.


Teray Garchitorena Kunishi, ND

Dr. Teray offers natural and integrative programs for healing anxiety & depression, chronic fatigue, and digestive conditions. She is a licensed naturopathic doctor, wellness coach, author, and creator of the Deeply Happy Expert Series. She serves clients globally via phone and video consultation.
Get in touch at http://www.deeplyhappy.com/contact/

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